Sunday, January 10, 2010

Russian Bare Pictures2009 How Hot Is A Meteorite After It Has Landed On The Ground?

How hot is a meteorite after it has landed on the ground? - russian bare pictures2009

My ancestors (the natives of Alaska, Russia), in the history of these meteorites. They said that if you put your own hands after the landing, and set aside until it cools to take it to be a great hunter. It is used to hold with one hand and then with the backs of other pages. Lol yeah, superstitious. People today when the chance, even my father. I think I prefer dirty lol.

So how hot was it?


Astronom... said...

In fact, it seems that country after a meteorite that it could take without problems. When you think about a topic that is a uniform temperature of the heated outer layers and peel them. In fact, these heating and peeling, which appear as bright spots in the sky. But the layers where always very cool. This is the Hollywood representation of the vapor of a rock song for the land only that .. Hollywood.

magnetul... said...

Now, after it touches the ground, destroyed and more heat is produced by the force of impact. Thus, after having landed on Earth, other events to reach the temperature and strength, that the benefits of the meteor shower. As a meteor enters the Earth's atmosphere is heated to 3000 degrees F. The effects could) to a temperature of 10000 degrees F (as hot as the surface of the sun.

magnetul... said...

Now, after it touches the ground, destroyed and more heat is produced by the force of impact. Thus, after having landed on Earth, other events to reach the temperature and strength, that the benefits of the meteor shower. As a meteor enters the Earth's atmosphere is heated to 3000 degrees F. The effects could) to a temperature of 10000 degrees F (as hot as the surface of the sun.

Nyx said...

Yup, the outer surface of meteorites are hot on, but still frozen inside. It's a bit like a dessert, Baked Alaska (my favorite, visit our Web site) -- ...

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