Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Can You Have More Than One Tia Can A Mistake Made By The County Council More Than Seven Years Ago Now Result In A Claim By Them?

Can a mistake made by the county council more than seven years ago now result in a claim by them? - can you have more than one tia

I said to my employer, the General Council not Over 336 pounds of pension contributions from my salary for the period 1 April 2000 to 31 May 2001. Since there is more than seven years can now claim it back? I destroyed her my wages for that period for a while.
TIA Metury


firefly3... said...

I would not say. I work for the municipalities and for the pensions, if they were wrong then do instead of what you pay for that period should only be ignored. If it was used at first to have the opportunity to plan for their retirement or do not give, is not mandatory. You should not pay back. If you do not pay their contributions during the next year. If you claim they are paid by employers will be argued that it was his fault that his mistake was not his. You may be lucky and you can help to maintain the required contributions for this, but in no case, however, the amount they pay to offer.

rami #1 said...

the legal limit on the debt is 6 years old, but not sure if the circumstances on the criteria, which means that you will be satisfied 336 pounds down on your pension, if ....

Scarlatt... said...

The problem is that your retirement 336 pounds (8 years of interest) ends down. You need to schedule an appointment with your pension and is adviser to the Council together to discuss the issue the best way.

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