Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Miami Fla Gay Cruising Area If Tijuana-Mex. And San Diego-CA. Are Twin & Sister Cities; Why La Habana, Cuba, And Miami-FLA. Can't Be?

If Tijuana-Mex. and San Diego-CA. are twin & sister cities; Why La Habana, Cuba, and Miami-FLA. can't be? - miami fla gay cruising area

Cuba and Florida are the maritime borders of the United States.
But Cuba is a Communist, is locked, separate subject and left semi-slave puppet regime puppet. Liberals and Miami (the gay capital of the United States) is also to be separated and impoverished, but for different reasons. You may not twin cities, the towns involved, or two cities, San Diego and Tijuana and Laredo-Nuevo Laredo, Ciudad Juárez-El Paso, etc.
In these places, both Cuban Communists live, and may not travel from one place to another, as opposed to the US-Mexican border!

Why and what u think?


wenteast said...

Troll, which she repeated this question troll, so I'm going to answer that I repeat to you before:

If troll city and the city of the trolls are two brothers and sisters of cities, why troll city and the city of the trolls can not?

I would also like to point out that Cuba is not a U.S. maritime borders.

So, what you say is more Hispanics in a city where the poorest and most backward of being?

Please Do not Feed The Troll!

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Do not create multiple accounts to troll or otherwise of these policies, or Yahoo! Terms of Use. Do not things that are incomprehensible or in the wrong language, and publishing not allowed, the same question again and again. "

The troll has many stories, and goes through the following avatars: izpano / Mexzcallican
Popeye / CenturionTolteca / Sinbad / Zigmma / Joe / ZIP / Amerikan / James / Mexikkhan / Texicano-AlWassab / Edwin Ivan Talibari / Pepeluches / Hispanic / Mexinndragethotycoon / Mexico Toreador / Alpha / Pancho Pantera / TLATOA / IM Rom / Mike Aliwassi / Kodiakivich / Don Azteca / The Pattern West Side / Hey Joe "/" The Caliph / Shawmblekiv / TlatoniNuYorker / Alpha Sigma / Pedro Navajas. Always answer their questions themselves, sometimes the stars and their own questions, the prices of even the best answer

Cracker Jax said...

I think he answered the question himself.
I also think it will not last long if the embargo was created, and other "problems". This will be good for Cuba.

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