Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Funny What To Write In A Wedding Card What Should I Write On A Not-so-close-friend's Wedding Card?

What should I write on a not-so-close-friend's wedding card? - funny what to write in a wedding card

I am estimated funny (r ideas)? or a simple and formal?

Thank you!


CBT Princess said...


CBT Princess said...


CBT Princess said...


destiny said...

Why not congratulate him and express their happiness of your marriage? "You can also try to write a piece of encouragement for the future disturb the family ... you know, I am not at all, unless they are written from the depths of his heart. =)

spadezgu... said...

Keep it simple. Congrads, good luck to you and your marriage.

Darlene mouse said...

Keep it simple ", congratulations and best wishes for a life full of love and happiness," rather they are covered.

Darlene mouse said...

Keep it simple ", congratulations and best wishes for a life full of love and happiness," rather they are covered.

Darlene mouse said...

Keep it simple ", congratulations and best wishes for a life full of love and happiness," rather they are covered.

Darlene mouse said...

Keep it simple ", congratulations and best wishes for a life full of love and happiness," rather they are covered.

Library Eyes said...

simple and formal

@pri! said...

How about "Happy Birthday, May share, a life full of laughter, love and joy." Or: "We wish you a lifetime of love and happiness. Muchas Felicidades"
Basically anything that says congratulations.

cardgirl... said...

Just buy one of these cards wedding for a review. Simple writing and only "best wishes" and wrote his name.

Peachy Keen, Jelly Bean said...

"Congratulations and I wish you, your spouse and their future family all the best!"

rumbleco... said...

attempts to "Congratulations"

Luv2Answ... said...

Why do you write something? You buy a card at the bottom of the letter. "Congratulations and best wishes. Jane Doe."

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