Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Dying Without A Will In Texas Dying Without A Will In Texas?

Dying Without a Will in Texas? - dying without a will in texas

Will's father died in Texas. His first wife (my mother) died some years ago. Since then he has married a woman who has children from a previous relationship.

His second wife left him 10 months ago and lived in another state.

My sisters and I had to take all the funeral. Their policy of life insurance was $ 3K, but we have 8 dollars reached to bury him. On the question of the 2nd Come wife, she replied: "I'm broke.

He flew from state to attend the funeral, and before the grave and now wants to be compensated for their pain and suffering on the left. "

Is it possible to maintain the heirs to ensure that benefits the least from his death? On the basis that she left all her bags and moved to property across the country and not the intention of returning?

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