Friday, February 5, 2010

Hedge Fund Prospectus Hedge Fund Prospectus?

Hedge Fund Prospectus? - hedge fund prospectus

As hedge funds said in your MPC: the closer the better.

1 comment:

financeg... said...

The member includes a variety of information based strategy. Most include:
Investment Objectives

Research and decision making

Portfolio Analysis

The sale and purchase decision criteria

Liquidity constraints

With positions in derivatives and other traditional investment products limited liquidity

Description of the fund management team and analysts, including biographies

Management fees and incentive information

Total Cost of Information

Profit and loss of benefits to the partners and sponsors

Information on the structure of companies, including information on emergency planning issues, the death or retirement of key executives or other "force majeure" events

Withdrawal and Registration

Side pockets and discharge arrangements (if applicable)

Through this partnership, the liability provisions of the general partners, provisions for possible changes in the structure of the partnership, the dissolution of the partnership, the power of aBogado information, conflict of interest information

Detailed description of any legal action against past or present company or the general partners

For a full explanation of the risks (the types of investments, market, derivatives, we are not at risk, counterparty risk, the risk of market capitalization, leverage risk option, the risk of short-selling, special situations, the risk of custody, etc. ..)

Description of the book value and valuation of Investment Accounting

Description Disclosure Policy

Information on Legal Aid

Information transfer of association

Tax and ERISA Information

Description of the brokerage and custodial relationships

Tax and financial reporting, including contact information, check

Procedures for new limited partners and initial investment

Your contact for the Legal Adviser, Prime Brokerage, guardians and administrators.

The full address and telephone number on all sides by the company.

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