Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Blueprints For Repeating Crossbow Could Anyone Help Me With My Biology Homework? It's Quite Simple?

Could anyone help me with my biology homework? It's quite simple? - blueprints for repeating crossbow

1. If the cell have chromosomes?
2. The DNA is in that which found two organelles?
3. What are the sides of the ladder of DNA?
4. What are the "rungs of the DNA?
5. DNA consists of repeating units called ____
6. Why act as messenger RNA necssary to? Why the code can be taken directly from the DNA?
7. Such as Dow, some brain cells, cells and other cells where the DNA of every cell is exactly the same. In other words, if the instructions are exactly the same as a cell to brain cell and another cell in the skin?
8. Why is the DNA as the blueprint of life? "

Is that correct?
For # 1, the kernel
For # 3, the sugar-phosphate --
For # 4, AT and CG pairs

I would appreciate any help, please.

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